Friday, November 2, 2012

Translation of ''Le Droit Des Pères'' by Cali

Song: Le Droit Des Pères (The right of fathers)
Artist: Cali

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♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪

To hell with my pride
On my knees, I've come to beg
I only want justice
To be a little bit more just this time

To hell with my pride
On my knees, I just begged
Because the justice was too just
One more time

It's a tragedy
Another step backwards
Their partial, deadly justice
Put its fat ass on the rights of fathers

It's a tragedy
Another race in reverse
Justice put its fat ass
On the rights of fathers

If I write to you today
My child, of my night
It would be for you to know
That I have lost everything
Like a dog I fought
For right to love you
Like a father may love
They left me wandering without you
In my anger
They have trampled once more
The rights of fathers

They put us
You and me on the edge
Like two wimps
And fucked the rights of fathers!

If I wrote you today
It would be because you should now
That they haven't left me
Even the right to shout
Your name in the wind
I've lost the most important
Of my battles
To see you grow every day
My child

We are some thousands of fathers
The nose in the dust
The thousands that they have cast
In this prison cell, this rat trap, this misery
Some thousands are crying
Madam Justice, lift your blinders
To the thousands begging for
Our rights as fathers

I'm going into my night
No, I won't leave you
No, I watch over you from afar
Since it's my only right
I will always have one hand on the heart
And another on your shoulder
I'll come sniffing
From afar, to the exit of your school

My love
They haven't torn down that
Not them, nor your poor mother
My eyes of a father

My love
Know that my hands will be torn
On the impassable barbwire fence
Of a money machine
Which they call justice
The oldest whore
In the line, I would piss on it

I have this feeling to commit murder
At the bottom of my anger
I don't have any bombs
No, it disgusts me
There is nothing lower
You know
These who pull out
Legs and arms
They will never tear down my heart
From these who don't have one
You know
These who provide for you
Some crumbs of days for both
Each month

I have this feeling to commit murder
At the bottom of my prayer
They have stolen
My right as a father

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