About the Blog

This blog is just a place for me to post the various French-to-English translations I do as a hobby. Some basic information:

1. Feel free to request any songs by commenting on this post. I'm also willing to translate some other texts. 
2. If you post any of my translations elsewhere, please link back to the original post.
3. All comments are greatly appreciated.


Wow, imagine my shock to discover a blog I created in high school is still up with my questionable translations. Despite the fact that little pseudo-intellectual grew into this academic, I never gave up the hobby of learning French, so I'm probably going to start updating this page again for songs that don't have English translations online. My understanding of French idioms has improved dramatically, though it's still not perfect. As such, my translations may contain some inaccuracies that a native speaker would nto miss. 

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Translation of "Pommes, pommes, pommes" by Thomas Fersen

Pommes, pommes, pommes C'est l'automne Si monotone C'est triste, triste, triste Les feuilles mortes Les flaques d'eau Le ven...