Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Translation of ''Je te Vois'' by Chat

Song: Je te Vois (I See You)
Artist: Chat

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 

I see you in my dreams, the most tender. 
I imagine all the words that you would whisper while seeing me so helpless. 

I smell you and your scent carries me 
In a world of memories in which I would like to 
take refuge in for all of life. 

Wisdom loses any meaning and flies away, 
facing the emptiness and the absence,
Probably taking with it the story, the dreams and the insouciance. 

Where is your soul hiding now, 
Where is the softness of this world hiding
Of which you so often told me of in your secrets, 

The glow of your gaze 
continues to blind me 

I see you in my dreams, the most vivid.  
The softness of your voice carries me away so far, so far away from everything, but close to you. 

The stroke of the sun on my skin leaves me icy, 
impervious to every comfort, without you nothing has importance anymore.

Where is your soul hiding now, 
Where is the softness of this world hiding
Of which you so often told me of in your secrets.

I see you in my dreams, the most tender. 
The pain is nothing compared to the desire
Of seeing your lips smile at me 

I would like, just once, 
To hear you whisper to me, 
Don't worry, all is well for you. 

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