Saturday, July 7, 2012

Translation of ''Petit Colibri'' by Vive la Fête

: Petit Colibri (Little Hummingbird) 
Artist: Vive la Fête

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 

The plane finally lands without closing its wings 
The sky fills then with with millions of swallows 
In a great flurry of wings the crows, the falcons, the owls
From Africa comes the ibises, the flamingos, the marabous 
The bird Rokh, celebrated by the storytellers and poets 
Glides, holding in his talons the skull of Adam, the first head,
The eagle dissolves the horizon with a great shriek  
And from America comes the little hummingbird 

From China came the pihis, long and flexible 
Who only have a single wing and fly in pairs 
Then there is the dove, immaculate spirit, 
Who escorts the lyrebird and the rosette peacock
The phoenix, this pyre who sires himself 
For a moment completely obscured by his ardent ash 
The sirens, who leave their perilous straits, 
Arrive singing beautifully, all three, 
And every eagle, phoenix, and pihis of China 
Fraternize with the flying machine 

Now you walk through Paris completely alone in the crowd 
Close to you, flocks of buses roll by, bellowing 
The anguish of love squeezes your throat 
As if you should never again be loved 
If you lived in the old days you would have entered the monastery 
You're ashamed when you catch yourself saying a pray 
You don't care about yourself and like the fires of hell your laughter crackles
The sparks of your laughter gild the heart of your life 
It's a hanging picture in a sombre museum 
And one time you are going to see it closely 

Today you walk through Paris, the women are blood-drenched 
It was, and I would rather not remember it, it was beauty's decline 
Surrounded by fervent flames, Our Lady looked at me in Chartes  
The blood of your Sacred-Heard flooded me in Montmartre
I'm sick of hearing those blessed words 

The plane finally lands without closing its wings 
The sky fills then with with millions of swallows 
In a great flurry of wings the crows, the falcons, the owls
From Africa comes the ibises, the flamingos, the marabous 
The bird Rokh, celebrated by the storytellers and poets 
Glides, holding in his talons the skull of Adam, the first head,
The eagle dissolves the horizon with a great shriek  
And from America comes the little hummingbird 

This actually is not an original song, but a sung version of a passage from the poem 'Zone' d'Apollinaire. 

This also concludes the discography of VLF that I don't have to transcribe myself, which I might do later on or if I get a request, but I'm a little tired of crazy VLF lyrics for the moment :/

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