Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Translation of ''Dis à Ton Capitaine'' by France Gall

Dis à Ton Capitaine by France Gall

Tell your captain
That I love you 
Tell your captain
That I'm bored without you
Tell your captain
That I love you 
Tell your captain
That I need you 
Next summer for vacation 
From July 10th to the end of August 
I promised Aunt Hortense 
Who invited us to the LaVandou
Tell your captain
That he understands  
Tell your captain
That he'll do this for me
Tell your captain
That I love you 
“But you know, just between us, that 
He doesn't have good taste”
You have jacket that is shabby
Your pants are poorly cut 
And your appalling shoes 
Bother me too much for dancing 
It pains me 
Because I love you 
Tell your captain
That I'm very angry 
Tell your captain
That I love you 
That I'm so troubled 
Being so far away from you 
It's just been four weeks
It's felt like an eternity 
Oh, yes I'm waiting for you to return
To cover me in kisses 
And if we're lucky 
He'll understand
In advance, to your captain,
Tell him thank you for me 
And if we're lucky 
He'll understand 
Give your captain 
A big kiss for me

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