Sunday, April 21, 2013

Translation of ''J'ai Retrouvé Mon Chien'' by France Gall

When I saw at home 
The empty doghouse 
I shouted everywhere 
"Where is my doggy"
My parents told me:
“Your little poodle,
My poor dear,
He ran away”
Oh good Saint Anthony 
Find my dog!

His name is Charlemagne
And he has a green collar 
He loves the countryside
He hates cocker spaniels 
His snout is all black 
And his eyes are chocolate 
He doesn't bark a lot 
And he's afraid of large cats 
Saint Anthony 
Find my dog!

I ran everywhere 
Knocked on doors 
Asked everywhere 
“Where is my doggy?”
But when I returned home 
In front of my door 
He was waiting for me  
Shivering from the cold 
Thank you Saint Anthony 
I found my dog!

Seeing from his escapade 
He was covered in mud and dirt 
I said to myself “Oh good grief, 
Good grief what can you do.”
I took him in my arms 
He looked at me with such happiness in his eyes 
And his eyes seemed to say:
“Please forgive me”
Thank you so much Saint Anthony 
For bringing my dog back 
Thanks to you, Saint Anthony 
I found my friend 
Thank you so much Saint Anthony 
For bringing my dog back 

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