Friday, October 19, 2012

Translation of ''Un Tacle De Patrick Vieira N'est Pas Une Truite En Chocolat'' by Vincent Delerm

Song: Un Tacle De Patrick Vieira N'est Pas Une Truite En Chocolat (A tackle from Patrick Vierira is not a trout in chocolate)
Artist: Vincent Delerm

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♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪

''Everything is the same
Everything is equal.''
It was his speech upon waking.
In general,
I take some time
And the day before yesterday
I found that the argument
Had calmed, severed

A tackle from Patrick Vieira
Is not a trout in chocolate
A  Quechua tent on the canal
A four star
A leader of the LCR
Is not a monitor of the winter sports
This photo of you in Berlin
Bah! It's not nothing

''To the left, to the right
It's white bonnet*”
It was your speech, line four,
After Châtelet
I take my time
And in Denfert
I found the argument
Which maked his mother cry

''The finger''** of Wayne Rooney
Isn't a plush Mickey
Happy mondays at the Bataclan
A tea dance
A testimony from the Pierre Abby
Isn't a nurse meeting
This photo of you in Berlin
Bah! It's not nothing

*I believe this is a reference to the phrase ''As white as your bonnet'', which indicates purity, so this phrase is the same as saying ''it's pure.''
** As in the middle finger.

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