Friday, May 3, 2013

Translation of ''Je Veux Te Voir'' by Yelle

Song: Je Veux Te Voir
Artist: Yelle

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

Cuizinier (The Chef) with your little sex surrounded by red pubes
I really can't believe that you actually believe we want you
I don't believe it would be true even in the dark, even if you keep your pajamas on 
Even if you keep on your “bathrobe”, a has-been t-shirt  
Keep your shirt on, it'll limit the damage, bastard

I want to see you 
In a porno flick 
In action with your dick 
Its shape either potatoes or fries 
To know everything
About your anatomy 
About your cousin Teki 
And your fetish accessories 

Cuizi, what's this?
Your favorite position?
Your Olympic performances? 
But you don't have anything orgasmic 
You're completely naked 
Under your apron
Ready to strip 
But I must admit nothing's going to work 

You dream of a Hummer Fluo 
Designed by Akroe 
But you don't have a license
You always take the metro 

Superstar for one night, after that, your life returns to normal 
You don't need sunglasses to keep people from recognizing you 
Your proof of insurance waits for you, dude 
It's not from your flying lyrics
I've manage to make you 
One with my scanner 
There's no cover charge tonight 
It's the only way to get anyone to come
So us girls go for a drive 
Yeah we're going to Chippendale’s 
We hadn't intended to spend the night with some jokers 
We would like see some pecks, some men hung like bulls 

Your posters of Lil' Jon covered up those of Magic Johnson 
Your body is too crunk in order to pull off dunks 

Cuiziner it's you that I want to see 
That I want to see tonight 
Ridiculed by a girl who raps better than you 
I don't have enough fingers to count in the room 
All these coiffed girls like me who know that you're just pubes 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Translation of ''Fanny Ardant Et Moi'' by Vincent Delerm

Song: Fanny Ardant Et Moi
Artist: Vincent Delerm

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

We listen to the Gregorian chant, 
She scarcely speaks and I say nothing 
We have a relationship like that 
Fanny Ardant and me 
I spend the evening with Sylvain 
During which she checks out the wallpaper 
We stay separated 
Me and Fanny Ardant 

She sits on the shelf 
Between an Eric Holder book,
A white IKEA candlestick holder,
And a postcard from Maria 
She is always completely black and white 
She no longer says “Finally, Sunday!”
Since I hang around my parents' house 
Every weekend 
Fanny Ardant 

I don't speak to her about the college girls of Jussieu* 
She doesn't speak too much of Depardieu 
Yes, we avoid those subjects 
Fanny Ardant and me 
There's something in her eyes 
Which rebuke me for returning too late 
She wants me to be home all the time
Of course Fanny Ardant 

She sits on the shelf 
Between an Eric Holder book,
A white IKEA candlestick holder,
And a postcard from Maria 
She is always completely black and white 
She no longer says “Finally, Sunday!”
Since I hang around my parents' house 
Every weekend 
Fanny Ardant 

We listen to the Gregorian chant, 
She scarcely speaks and I say nothing 
We have a relationship like that 
Fanny Ardant and me

*Campus of a university in Paris. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Translation of ''Aux Champs-Elysée'' by Joe Dassin

Song: Aux Champs-Elysée
Artist: Joe Dassin

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

I was walking down the avenue, my heart open to the unknown 
I felt like saying hello to anyone 
Anyone, and it was you, I said whatever came to mind
Just talking to you was enough to win you over

At the Champs-Elysées, at the Champs-Elysées
In the sun, beneath the rain, at noon or midnight 
There's everything you desire at the Champs-Elysées

You told me ''I have a meeting place in a basement with some madmen 
Who live with a guitar in their hand, from night to morning.'' 
So I went along with you, we sang, we danced 
And we didn't even think of kissing 

Last night two strangers and this morning on the avenue, 
Two lovers completely dazed by the long night 
And of the Étoile à la Concorde, an orchestra with a thousand strings 
All the birds at daybreak sing of love 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Translation of ''Mon petit soldat'' by France Gall

Song: Mon petit soldat
Artist: France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

My little soldier is dead 
He played the drum 
My little soldier is dead 
He told me about love 

He played for love, for war
He put flowers on his gun 
But he didn't listen to my prayers 
And I cried when he left 

My little soldier is dead 
He played the drum 
My little soldier is dead 
And I loved his drumming of love
He played for love, for war
But he spoke of death while laughing 
He fell close to the river 
Where we played when we were children 

He played for love, for war
And I still hear him every night 
He comes and strolls along the river 
And kisses me when I'm asleep

My little soldier is dead 
He played the drum 
My little soldier is dead 
I will love him always 

La la la la... 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Translation of ''Laisse tomber les filles'' by France Gall

Song: Laisse tomber les filles
Artist: France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

Forget about the girls
Forget about the girls
One day you're going to the one left behind 
Forget about the girls
Forget about the girls
One day you're going to be the one crying
Yes I cried but on that day 
No, I won't cry 
No, I won't cry 
I'll say, “It serves you right!”
I'll say, “That'll teach you!”
I'll say, “That'll teach you!”
Forget about the girls
Forget about the girls
It's going to be an ill turn for you
Forget about the girls
Forget about the girls
You'll pay one of these days
One doesn't play recklessly 
With an innocent heart 
With an innocent heart 
You'll see what I'm feeling 
Before you know it 
Before you know it 

Luck abandons 
Those who only know 
How to leave behind wounded hearts
You'll have no one 
To console you 
You won't get away with it

Forget about the girls
Forget about the girls
One day you're going to the one left behind 
Forget about the girls
Forget about the girls
One day you're going to be the one crying
No, for your complaining there won't be 
Anyone other than you
Anyone other than you
Then you're remember 
Everything I'm telling you now
Everything I'm telling you now

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Translation of ''Mon aéroplane'' by France Gall

Song: Mon aéroplane
Artist: France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

No Charlie 
Don't make me wait any longer 
Quickly come over to the house 
I believe that you're the best 
At repairs
I'm begging you... 

My airplane... 
Since your departure has been delayed...
And to touch the sky I no longer have, I no longer have
Any artificial clouds 
My airplane... 
Since your departure has been delayed...
And in order to touch the sky I need
You to lend me your wings

There will be 
Some Chinese tea and some liquorice 
And then some chocolate 
You'll see 
Later, we'll go to the old dock 
But come home quick,
I'm begging you... 

My airplane... 
Since your departure has been delayed...
And to touch the sky I no longer have, I no longer have
Any artificial clouds 
My airplane... 
Since your departure has been delayed...
And in order to touch the sky I need
You to lend me your wings
My airplane... 
Since your departure has been delayed...
And in order to touch the sky I need
You to lend me your wings

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Translation of ''Nous Ne Sommes Pas Des Anges'' by France Gall

Song: Nous Ne Sommes Pas Des Anges
Artist: France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

We're not angels
Angels from heaven 
Would find this world very strange
If they were to fall so far

No, we possess nothing of the angels,
Angels from heaven 
Leave them up there in the sky 
Earth isn't paradise

The boys look like girls 
With their long hair 
As for us girls 
We look like boys
Wearing pants

We're not angels
Angels from heaven 
Would find this world very strange
If they were to fall so far

No, we possess nothing of the angels,
Angels from heaven 
Leave them up there in the sky 
Earth isn't paradise 

The boys kiss the girls 
The girls wearing pants 
As for us girls 
We love the boys 
With their long hair
The boys kiss the girls 
The girls wearing pants 
As for us girls 
We love the boys 
With their long hair

Friday, April 26, 2013

Translation of ''Oh! Quelle Famille'' by France Gall

Song: Oh! Quelle Famille
Artist: France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

When we're born one fine day 
There's fifty relatives all around 
Who only speak to you in Japanese 
And break all your toys 
Oh la la la what a family!
Oh la la la what a family!
How we would be happy on earth 
Without all these relatives! 
Oh la la la what a family!
Oh la la la what a family!
What joy there would be if there were 
Nothing but children! 
On the television Papa likes the politics,
Mama the soaps,
When she plugs in football!
Oh la la la what a family!
Oh la la la what a family!
How we would be happy on earth 
Without all these relatives! 
Oh la la la what a family!
Oh la la la what a family!
What joy there would be if there were 
Nothing but children! 
We're fighting or we're laughing 
It's our way of loving each other 
But if there's trouble
Everyone bands together 
Oh la la la what a family!
Oh la la la what a family!
They amuse me so much 
And I love the madness!
Oh la la la what a family!
Oh la la la what a family!
And it's what I want to keep 
For the rest of my life! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Translation of ''Nounours'' by France Gall

 Nounours by France Gall

Teddy, my lovely teddy 
The confidant  
Of my childish heart 
Teddy, this evening I was expecting 
Him to come get me, 
He forgot me
Teddy, you seem surprised 
To see me crying 
You mustn't scold me, 
Don't sulk, 
Don't be so stupid, 
Stupid, stupid, stupid 
Come console me 
Teddy, my lovely teddy 
Everything is sorted 
Everything has changed 
Teddy, this boy that I love 
Promised that he loves me 
He kissed me 
And even, I can confess to you, 
He wants to marry me 
In a few years 
If you're good
Very, very, very, very good 
I'll take you along
On this great journey 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Translation of ''Dis à Ton Capitaine'' by France Gall

Dis à Ton Capitaine by France Gall

Tell your captain
That I love you 
Tell your captain
That I'm bored without you
Tell your captain
That I love you 
Tell your captain
That I need you 
Next summer for vacation 
From July 10th to the end of August 
I promised Aunt Hortense 
Who invited us to the LaVandou
Tell your captain
That he understands  
Tell your captain
That he'll do this for me
Tell your captain
That I love you 
“But you know, just between us, that 
He doesn't have good taste”
You have jacket that is shabby
Your pants are poorly cut 
And your appalling shoes 
Bother me too much for dancing 
It pains me 
Because I love you 
Tell your captain
That I'm very angry 
Tell your captain
That I love you 
That I'm so troubled 
Being so far away from you 
It's just been four weeks
It's felt like an eternity 
Oh, yes I'm waiting for you to return
To cover me in kisses 
And if we're lucky 
He'll understand
In advance, to your captain,
Tell him thank you for me 
And if we're lucky 
He'll understand 
Give your captain 
A big kiss for me

Translation of ''Mon Bateau De Nuit'' by France Gall

Mon Bateau De Nuit by France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

When my night boat 
Just leaves the port
Softly, I fall asleep 
And suddenly I've set off 
To distant lands 
Which I revisit in the morning
I've visited 
And the Milky Way
I've seen some Sioux 
And Papuans 

When my night boat 
Just leaves the port
Softly, I fall asleep 
There's only one problem
As far as I dream 
You're everywhere
With pretty girls
Dancing in your arms
In every place 
At every step 
You're there 
And my night boat 
No longer leaves the port 
It's too painful 
To sleep 
So I'm begging you 
Set sail along with me 
In my night boat
In my boat for life 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Translation of ''Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son'' by France Gall

Song: Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son
Artist: France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

I am a doll of wax
A doll of sound*
My heart is etched in my songs 
Doll of wax, doll of sound 

Am I better, am I worse 
Than a mannequin 
I just see the good, sweet life**
Doll of wax, doll of sound

My disks are a mirror 
In which every person can see me 
I am everywhere at once 
Shattered in a thousand splinters of voice 

Around me I hear laughter 
The rag dolls 
Who dance to my songs 
Doll of wax, doll of sound

They let themselves be seduced 
For a yes, for a name***
Love isn't what's in the songs 
Doll of wax, doll of sound

Only sometimes I sigh 
I tell myself what good 
Is singing without love, without reason, 
Without even knowing boys 

I am only a doll of wax
A doll of sound 
Under the sunshine of my blond hair 
Doll of wax, doll of sound

But one day I will live out my songs 
Doll of wax, doll of sound
Without being afraid of the warmth of boys
Doll of wax, doll of sound

Here's a short list of the entendres: 
*This phrase could also literally mean a doll of sawdust, which is an early form of ragdoll commonly made for children. It can also be thought of to mean “singing doll”.
**The phrase used is akin to "seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses"
***”Pour un oui, pour un non” (which sounds like the lyrics, "pour un oui, pour un nom") literally means “for a yes, for a no”, and indicates a question or action that someone doesn't really think or care about. So the lyrics are intended to reflect that these girls are seduced by an acceptance, or simply a name of someone, without thinking.  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Translation of ''J'ai Retrouvé Mon Chien'' by France Gall

When I saw at home 
The empty doghouse 
I shouted everywhere 
"Where is my doggy"
My parents told me:
“Your little poodle,
My poor dear,
He ran away”
Oh good Saint Anthony 
Find my dog!

His name is Charlemagne
And he has a green collar 
He loves the countryside
He hates cocker spaniels 
His snout is all black 
And his eyes are chocolate 
He doesn't bark a lot 
And he's afraid of large cats 
Saint Anthony 
Find my dog!

I ran everywhere 
Knocked on doors 
Asked everywhere 
“Where is my doggy?”
But when I returned home 
In front of my door 
He was waiting for me  
Shivering from the cold 
Thank you Saint Anthony 
I found my dog!

Seeing from his escapade 
He was covered in mud and dirt 
I said to myself “Oh good grief, 
Good grief what can you do.”
I took him in my arms 
He looked at me with such happiness in his eyes 
And his eyes seemed to say:
“Please forgive me”
Thank you so much Saint Anthony 
For bringing my dog back 
Thanks to you, Saint Anthony 
I found my friend 
Thank you so much Saint Anthony 
For bringing my dog back 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Faut-il Que Je T'aime by France Gall

The other night I was waiting 
When a boy approached me 
He saw that I was crying 
He wanted to console me
During the entire time he spoke to me 
It was you who I was thinking of 
It was him who spoke to me 
But it was you who I heard
Oh God, must it be that I love you
Must it be that I love you
Since I'm telling you this
Oh God, must it be that I love you
Must it be that I love you
Since I'm telling you this

He was so nice 
Bring on the good times, so we left 
We went go-karting 
Driving and then bowling 
All the time that we had fun 
It was you who I thought of 
It was you who was there 
It was him who wasn't there 
Oh God, must it be that I love you
Must it be that I love you
Since I'm telling you this
Oh God, must it be that I love you
Must it be that I love you
Since I'm telling you this
When he took me back home
He wanted a kiss 
But I explained to him 
That I was almost engaged 
Just a kiss on the cheek 
Good night, thank you 
It was him who left me 
But it was you who I missed 
Oh God, must it be that I love you
Must it be that I love you
Since I'm telling you this
Oh God, must it be that I love you
Must it be that I love you
Since I'm telling you this

Friday, April 19, 2013

Teenie Weenie Boppie by France Gall

Teenie Weenie Boppie 
Took some LSD 
A sugar cube and then 
On the brink of madness 
A Rolls Royce brushes past her with its wing 
A "rock prince" is at the wheel
He waves at her 
With his fine lace and ruffles

Teenie Weenie Boppie 
Took some LSD 
A sugar cube and then 
Passed out on the ground 
A tall boy in southern clothes
Extends his two white-gloved hands 
At his fingers a lilac amethyst  
In the claw it's tinted white

Teenie Weenie Boppie 
Took some LSD 
A sugar cube and then 
Already in pain 
What are these exquisite colored flowers 
That drift along with the currant 
It's Mick Jagger who in the Thames 
Is drowned in his beautiful garments

Teenie Weenie Boppie
Died in the night 
From what else, but taking 
A dose of LSD 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sacré Charlemagne by France Gall

Who had this crazy idea 
One day to invent school?
It's this sacred Charlemagne 
Sacred Charlemagne

To give us just
Sundays and Thursdays 
It's this sacred Charlemagne 
Sacred Charlemagne

This son of Pépin le Bref
Gives us lots of trouble
And we have a hundred complaints 
Against, against, against him

Who had this crazy idea 
One day to invent school?
It's this sacred Charlemagne 
Sacred Charlemagne

Past participle 
Four plus four is eight 
French lesson 
And mathematics 
Which is the work of
Sacred sacred sacred Charlemagne

He should have caressed 
His flowery beard for a long time  
Oh oh sacred Charlemagne
Sacred Charlemagne

Instead of boring us 
With geography 
Oh oh sacred Charlemagne
Sacred Charlemagne

If he only had to deal with
Battles and hunting 
We wouldn't be required 
To spend every day in class

Having to learn to count
And take lots of notes 
Oh oh sacred Charlemagne
Sacred Charlemagne

Past participle 
Four plus four is eight 
French lesson 
And mathematics 
Which is the work of
Sacred sacred sacred Charlemagne 
Because without him in our life 
There would be more than just Thursdays 
Oh oh sacred Charlemagne
Oh oh sacred Charlemagne
Oh oh sacred Charlemagne

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

C'est Pas Facile D'être Une Fille by France Gall

It's not easy, 
No, believe me,
To be a girl 
But I don't really 
Know why
It's not easy 
To be pretty 
To be nice 
And to know how to fight in life 
Among all these boys 
Who sing their song
Where is the truth, the good?
It's not easy 
To break free 
From your family 
When one has 
The world to discover 
Telling your parents 
Open, now, 
The double doors 
It's not easy 
When you have 
A desire to have fun 
To laugh and to dance 
To come back at midnight 
While leaving your friends 
It's not easy 
Not every day 
To be a girl
And not know 
Where to find love 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Translation of ''Au Clair De La Lune'' by France Gall

 Au Clair De La Lune (In the Moonlight) by France Gall

My God, who I love 
For loving me like this
I love you, I love you
Stay close to me
In a field of stars 
Love leads us 
With every stop 
In paradise 
My God, who I love 
For loving me like this
I love you, I love you
Stay close to me
I have a trembling heart
Oh, let's stay seated
With nothing but being together 
We leave life behind
My God, who I love 
For loving me like this
I love you, I love you
Stay close to me
In the moonlight 
A love is born 
No need of a pen 
To talk to you
No need of a pen 
To talk to you

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bonne Nuit by France Gall

The day is going to end
For the grown-ups, for the children
The sun has already set
You should do as he has

Goodnight my little friends
Goodnight, sleep well
Goodnight my little friends
Sleep until tomorrow

All the tricks that we could have played
All throughout the day
We can now talk about them
Secretly between us

Goodnight my little friends
Goodnight, sleep well
Goodnight my little friends
Sleep until tomorrow

The sun has already set
You should do as he has
Goodnight my little friends
Goodnight, sleep well

Friday, March 22, 2013

Boom Boom by France Gall

My engine was singing boom boom
And the night was falling boom boom 
At the street corner I didn't see you 
And I heard boom boom

An officer told me boom boom 
You've killed him boom boom 
I have a murder on my hands
I was good for the boom boom

You didn't budge more than death 
Lying on the pavement 
I was plagued by remorse 
When you came back to life

The emotion, the fear boom boom
The happiness, the heart boom boom 
All left me exhausted, broken 
In your arms I went boom boom

It's wonderful to live in such
A shattering love 
But I shivered when you told me, 
“I want lots of children”

Rosalie, Lucas boom boom
Virginie, François boom boom
Julie et Bruno, Janette et Janot
And then twins boom boom

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gare à Toi Gargantua by France Gall

Day or night 
Your appetite is insatiable 
You want to eat everything, devour everything 
Even the table 
As soon as you talk about girls 
Your eyes start to shine 
But watch yourself Gargantua
You better bite only me

As a connoisseur 
You've swallowed hearts by the dozen 
For a foodie 
You have such a modern palate 
The birds in your throat 
Are always appetizers 
But watch yourself Gargantua
You better bite only me

Aren't you afraid of getting indigestion? 
To swallow so much raw flesh can't be good 
Watch your diabetes 
Or you'll have to go on a diet 
Tonight for dinner I haven't bought much 
Your favorite dish will be lying among the roses 
And eat well to satiate yourself
For tonight and for tomorrow 
But watch yourself Gargantua
Because if you don't eat
It's possible that forever and ever 
It'll be me who bites you 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bébé Requin (Baby Shark) by France Gall

Come follow me, 
I know an enamel route 
Which leads 
To the land of pearls and coral 
I am a baby shark 
From white belly to pearly teeth 
In the warm waters 
I will drag you away 
And without you knowing it
With love, with sweetness 
Me, the pretty baby shark 
I want to devour your heart 
Baby shark baby velvet
Baby shark baby of love 

Come play, play leapfrog in the waves 
I am going to make you go down in a sky of sand
I am a baby shark 
From white belly to pearly teeth 
In the warm waters, I will drag you away 
And without you knowing it
With love, with sweetness 
Me, the pretty baby shark 
I am going to devour your heart 

Baby shark baby velvet
Baby shark baby of love 
Baby shark baby velvet
Baby shark baby of love 

And, if necessary, I'll fight my sister 
I want to be the only one to eat your heart 
I am a baby shark 
From white belly to pearly teeth 
In the warm waters, I will drag you away 
And without you knowing it
With love, with sweetness 
Me, the pretty baby shark 
I am going to devour your heart 

Monday, March 18, 2013

"Baby Pop" by France Gall

"Baby Pop" by France Gall 

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

The few pennies that you're going to make
You'll have to work hard for 
To rise at dawn 
Autumn as well as summer 
You'll have to be so frugal 
You won't be able to put anything aside 
And still on this subject 
Happily if you can manage it 
Come on, dance 

Sing, dance Baby pop
As if tomorrow Baby pop
Should never Baby pop
Never come again
Sing, dance Baby pop
As if tomorrow Baby pop
In the early morning Baby pop
You will die 

With love, you get some ideas
One day or another it's inevitable 
That you will be a poor kid 
Alone and abandoned 
You will end up marrying someone
Maybe even against your will
On your wedding night 
It will be too late for 
Any regrets 

Sing, dance Baby pop
As if tomorrow Baby pop
Should never Baby pop
Never come again
Sing, dance Baby pop
As if tomorrow Baby pop
In the early morning Baby pop
You will die 

You can't ignore the dangers
That represent your freedoms 
The threats of war 
Seem to indicate
At this moment, Baby, you know that 
Where the sun rises 
Somewhere on earth 
Bullets fly 
Blood is shed

Sing, dance Baby pop
As if tomorrow Baby pop
Should never Baby pop
Never come again
Sing, dance Baby pop
As if tomorrow Baby pop
In the early morning Baby pop
You will die 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

English Translation of “La Petite” by France Gall

“La Petite” by France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated. 
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ 

MB: How can I not melt when I see “la petite”*
Before her innocent eyes, before her smile
She's been changing for some time now, she's grown, the petite 
Already a woman but yet only a child 

FG: A child! I've seen everything, what does he mean! 
When I think that only yesterday I almost caught you 
Trying to kiss me, while I let it happen
He is not so bad, the friend of my father

Chorus, sung together:
One day the chicks takeoff 
The “petits” become grown, no longer children!
One day the chicks takeoff 
The “petits” become grown, no longer children!

MB: She is as fragile as a flower, so sweet the petite 
When I think that a man could break her heart 
Take advantage of her innocence, touch the petite 
I really want to, despite myself, protect her 

FG: Protect me! Great! Here he goes again 
With a teacher like yourself I'd be lucky 
Obviously I would learn how to do a thousand things 
He is clever, believe me, the friend of my father


MB: How can I not melt when I see the petite 
FG: Before her innocent eyes, before her smile
MB: She's been changing for some time now, she's grown, the petite 
FG: You for as long as I've known you, you've never changed

*”La petite” means the darling, or dear, but I felt neither did the translation justice as much as leaving it be, since they do not insinuate youth in the same way. 

Overall this is a very, very creepy song that was criticized in its day. It was possibly an attempt by France Gall's father to recapture the success of "Les Sucettes" as her career faltered. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

English Translation of Daddy Da Da - France Gall

Daddy Da Da - France Gall

Always link back if you repost somewhere else, and comments are appreciated.
♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪

Daddy da da daddy da da
Daddy da da daddy da da
We're in a dance, you and me 
Daddy da da daddy da da
The boy that I prefer is an angel 
Between my fingers he balances 
And his boat full of love 
Returns to port at the end of the day
Daddy da da daddy da da
Daddy da da daddy da da
Turning, turning the world with you
Daddy da da daddy da da
I give you a time for the race
In the blue night or in the Ursa Major*
If you arrive first 
I'll give you a kiss
Daddy da da daddy da da
Daddy da da daddy da da
Turning, turning the world with you
Daddy da da daddy da da

*The constellation 

Translation of Monsieur by Thomas Fersen to English

Translation of Monsieur by Thomas Fersen to English ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪  Les passants sur son chemin Soulèvent leur galu...